So I have a form application. I have a couple of forms. The hierarchy is like so:
– Section
---- SubSection
In SubSection I have a button (Button component). It’s on(click) block has the following:
on (click)
The form SubSection is actually a derived class of mx.screens.Form and DoSomething() is a function in this derived class. Now from DoSomething(), I am trying to popup an Alert (i.e. Alert.show()) but it doesn’t show up. I have tried to set the parent of the Alert box to null, to the root form, to “this” and none of them work. The Alert box just doesn’t show. I tried to do it with a Window component and I get the same result. Nothing happens. No errors, no nothing. I am kind of stumped right now. When I did the mx.managers.Pop…etc. for the Window component like so:
var my_win:MovieClip = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp([tried different things here], Window, true, {title:"Sample Image", contentPath:"http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image1.jpg"});
my_win.setSize(320, 240);
the MovieClip (my_win) it returned was null. So somehting is amiss, I just don’t know what. Also if I put in “this” for the parent (first) parameter of createPopUp, it just hangs up the flash player. I tried the root form instead and it does what Alert did, i.e. nothing… it doesn’t show up.
Hope I was clear with my question. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks bunches,