Not Sure if right forum...MySQL or Access?

Hey I just picked up a Copy of Cold Fusion 4 from my boss and he would like me to create a data base for a site, with 6 fields, nothing I cannto do as I have experience in MS Access, but he wants it to be using MySQL.

Is there much difference in using these two or is it more of a preference thing. I got the MySQL training discs from and have gone through the basics of MySQL, it seemed to take a heck of a lot longer to make a table through that then it would in Access.

Which one is easier to use with ColdFusion and Flash/Dreamweaver?

Thanks for the help people.

Ive never used Access, but MySQL is really easy to use and is quite powerful. Companies like Yahoo! are moving from thier properitory C++/SQL sites, to PHP/mySQL

and if your having trouble doing it, all you have to do is get your data through a regular html form and insert it using something like:

MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO table_name VALUES ('$field1','$field2','$field3','$field4','$field5','$field6'");