Not sure what's wrong

I’m trying to build an Isometric Tile Map editor. It’s supposed to load and create an array filled with 0s which will be coordinated with a bitmap from the tileSheet that is grass (a default tile). I’m at the point where I’m trying to copy the image from the sheet and add it to every movie clip (there’s a separate movieClip made for each tile in the array):

I’m getting this Error on the same line twice:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property BitmapData through a reference with static type flash.display:BitmapData.

I know I’m doing something wrong, with the BitmapData, or something I just don’t know what…

Here’s my source:

package  {
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.geom.*;
	public class MapAction extends MovieClip {
		var mapV:mapSpecs = new mapSpecs;
		var errorBox:messBox_mc = new messBox_mc;
		var r:int;
		var c:int;
		var xV:int;
		var yV:int;
		var mapH:int;
		var mapW:int;
		var tWidth:int = 64;
		var tHeight:int = 32;
		var tilesBmp:BitmapData;
		var tSheet:BitmapData;
		var mapArr:Array;
		var curMap:Array;
		var mc:tile_mc = new tile_mc();
		public function MapAction() { 
		function closeErrorBox(event:MouseEvent) {
			mapV.startMap.mouseEnabled = true;
		mapV.x = 500 - (mapV.width / 2);
		mapV.y = 300 - (mapV.height / 2);
		mapV.startMap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sM);
		//on submit
		function sM(event:MouseEvent):void{
			xV = int(mapV.xValue.text);
			yV = int(mapV.yValue.text);
			if(xV > 200 || yV > 200 || xV < 1 || yV < 1){
				errorBox.messBoxName.text = "Invalid value";
				errorBox.messBoxDesc.text = "Your X and Y values must be 1-200";
				errorBox.x = 500 - (errorBox.width / 2);
				errorBox.y = 300 - (errorBox.height / 2);
				mapV.startMap.mouseEnabled = false;
				errorBox.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeErrorBox);
			} else {
				gotoMapC(xV, yV);
		}//On submit
		//start map creation
		function gotoMapC(r:int, c:int){
			mapArr = new Array();
			for( var i:int = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
				mapArr.push( new Array( r ) );
				for( var j:int = 0; j < r; j++ ) {
					mapArr[ i ][ j ] = 0;
			curMap = mapArr;
			tSheet = new tileSheet(0,0) as BitmapData;
			buildMap ();
		}//End Map creation
		//Start build map
		function buildMap(){
			mapW = curMap[0].length;
			mapH = curMap.length;
			for (var yt:int = 0; yt < mapH; yt++) {
				for (var xt:int = 0; xt < mapW; xt++) {
					var s:int = curMap[ yt ][ xt ];
  = "tile_" + yt + "_" + xt; 
					drawTile(s, xt, yt);
		}//End Build map
		//Start drawTile function
		function drawTile(s:Number, xt:int, yt:int){
			var bmp:BitmapData = getImageFromSheet (s);
			var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, tWidth, tHeight);
			var pt:Point = new Point((((xt * tWidth)-(xt * 32))-(yt * 32))+(mapH * 32), ((yt * tHeight)+(xt * 16))-(yt * 16));
			tilesBmp.BitmapData.copyPixels (bmp.BitmapData, rect, pt, null, null, true);
			mc.addChild(new Bitmap(tilesBmp));
		}//End DrawTile
		//Start getImageFromSheet
		function getImageFromSheet(s:Number):Bitmap{
			var sheet:BitmapData = tSheet;
			//number of columns in tilesheet
			var sheetColumns:int = tSheet.width / tWidth;
			//position where to take graphics from
			var col:int = s % sheetColumns;
			var row:int = Math.floor(s / sheetColumns);
			//rectangle that defines tile graphics
			var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(col * tWidth, row * tHeight, tWidth, tHeight);
			var pt:Point = new Point(0, 0);
			//get the tile graphics from tilesheet
			var bmp:Bitmap =  new Bitmap(new BitmapData(tWidth, tHeight, true, 0));
			bmp.bitmapData.copyPixels (sheet, rect, pt, null, null, true);
			return bmp;
		}//End GetImageFromSheet
		}//Main Function