Notice: Undefined index with a setcookie

ej guys… strange thing… i made myself a login script with a setcookie… but somehow there is a strange error…

i test this script on my own php server it works fine… but if i upload it to the webserver its suppose to go on, there is an error… and i just cant seem to find what it is… ???



include "login_config.php";

	foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
		$$key = $val;

if(isset($submit) && $submit != ""){

if ($name == $corr_name && $pass == $corr_pass )  {  

setcookie('login', $value, time()+900); //* 15min (900sec) *//
header("Location: $pagina");

} else {

	echo "Eerst inloggen A.U.B of voer de goede gegevens in....";


<form method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
<center><font class="atentie_tekst">(Administrators hebben allen toegang hier..)</font></center>
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
	<td>Login:<br><INPUT TYPE="name" SIZE="15" NAME="name"><br></td>
	<td>Paswoord:<BR><INPUT NAME="pass" TYPE="password" SIZE="15"><br></td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Login">&nbsp;<input type="reset" name="submit" value="Herstel"></td></td>



$corr_name = "test";  
$corr_pass = "test";  

$pagina = "inhoud_pagina.php";  

$value = 'true';




include "login_config.php"; 
if ($_COOKIE['login'] == true){  




} else {  

echo "<script LANGUAGE='javascript' TYPE='text/javascript'>window.location='$pagina'</script>";  



Error mssg:

Notice: Undefined index: login in …inhoud_pagina.php on line 5 (keep kliking (looping))…

kan anyone help me… ???