I have a one problem about sending/posting a data from database to the flash MX.
Take a look this problem. i’m in the localhost only.
This is the first record without “ñ” in the database:
This is the output of the first record without “ñ” from the database:
This is the second record with “ñ” in the database:
This is the ouput of the second record with “ñ” from the database:
This is the property of my dynamic text in flash Mx:
This is the code how i concatenate the first, Middle, last Name in a single dynamic text in flash MX.[indent]cname = c2 + " " + c3 + ". " + c1;
[/indent]This is the code how i load/retrieve the data’s from database to the flash MX:[indent][color=Blue]loadVariables[/color]([color=Blue]“sLoad.php?scode=”[/color]+scode, m01);
[color=Magenta]//m01 is a target MovieClip because i’m using loadMovie.
//scode is a input entry.[/color]
[/indent]This is sample code of my query in php:[indent]<?php
$result = [color=Blue]mysql_query[/color](“SELECT * FROM $table1 WHERE STUDENT_CODE = ‘$scode’”);
$c1 = [color=Blue]mysql_result/color;
$c2 = [color=Blue]mysql_result/color;
$c3 = [color=Blue]mysql_result/color;
if($call == “”){[indent]$call = “Hello $scode”;
$c1 = “c1=$c1”;
$c2 = “c2=$c2”;
$c3 = “c3=$c3”;
echo “call=$call&$c1&$c2&$c3”;
//The etc is the other fields and other objects…[/color]
[/indent]Anyone can fix this problemand how? any tutorials site? sample codes?