Pretty simple error but I cannot figure out how the hell to fix it. I have a movieclip that I add to the stage and I’m trying to reference a input text field on the second frame. When I trace the textfield on the first frame via the constructor it returns object textfield correctly. When I hit the enter button to go to the second frame where I will need to use password… I get a null when tracing. I can see it, I can write in it and no matter what I do I cannot seem to reference it. Before you ask I do spell the instance name correctly and obviously these are in classes but I show what’s applicable. Please help and thanks in advance!!
public function Registration():void
trace(this.usernameField); //returns textfield correctly
this.enterButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, currentPanelSubmitted);
public function currentPanelSubmitted(event:MouseEvent) {
if (currentPanel == "username") {
currentPanel = "password";
trace(this.passField); //returns null
In case you need the parent of registration its just the document class and I create registration like this…
var registration:Registration = new Registration();
addChild(registration); //ive also added it to the stage w/ no luck