O.o Check This out!

if you still believe her boobs are fake, then you’re crazy…

(this new photoshoot was leaked today, and it was supossed to be out until september)

someone’s been working to get rid of that cellulite (sp?) :sure:


whenever my honey britney takes some pics everyone has em all over the net!

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *

whenever my honey britney takes some pics everyone has em all over the net! **


hahaha, well…

:stuck_out_tongue: i shot those pictures!!!

yesterday, when she got rid of you…


OH! **slaps Eberth! :trout: **
Take that! Dont talk bad about my honeybuns!

… sorry, but she prefers me…, she says you cant handle the whole package…

*Originally posted by Eberth *
**if you still believe her boobs are fake, then you’re crazy…

I don’t think they are fake but these aren’t the best pics to be judging this on. They seem to be a little coverd up.

Still great pics:thumb:

while you guys argue ill just keep her under my desk for a while ok?? :evil:

:run: from russianbeer and eberth


I dont share women!

I steal them! Literaly! :beam:

nice *****…

my god… drooling…

I’ve got this thing for her - probably like most men - hell, most males!

You know, I saw a cartoon on the web somewhere done in flash where it was time line of britneys boobs and it was hularious - they used real pics and everything. Makes you wonder what’s going on down there :slight_smile: I personally think it’s just the magic of hollywood. Get “crossroads” or whatever it’s called and watch the parts she in it in a bikini - there’s now way she has had implants. Either that or she get’s them removed every 3 weeks or so!

My baby topless!!! :love:

I wish people would shut up about her ‘implants’, it’s none of your business (she hasn’t) :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

My buddies sister has a body just like that. Well 2 of his 3 sisters… The third 1 is hotter than both of the other two. :p: They are all freakin’ hot and I’m gonna go hang out with the third one in San Diego, yea, who’s the DigitalPimp, that’s right, I am! And Norie I don’t hear anything outta your mouf cause I know you got a comment.

i want to make a wallpaper from this…, but i cant erase the background, specially on the hair, can somebody tell me a good way???

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**nice *****… **

it gets too crispy :frowning:

*Originally posted by Eberth *
**i want to make a wallpaper from this…, but i cant erase the background, specially on the hair, can somebody tell me a good way??? **

photoshop my man :beam:

Nice rack. I heard somewhere that female breasts expand and shrink depending on chemical fluids in the body and such, but I don’t think that can make a difference of a cup size.


and just out of curiosity - where I would I go about getting these “chemical fluids” and how do you suggest I get my girlfrend to “drink” these wonderus fluids?

Lol, something called alcohol my friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’m not too sure, I’m sure Kit would know.
