Object doesn't drag if Container MovieClip is rotated to a 3D Environment


I have this enter_frame listener to make my Container MovieClip rotate on a 3D environment in relation to the position of the mouse.

addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop );

private function loop( e:Event ):void
	var distx:Number = mouseX / stage.stageWidth;
	var disty:Number = mouseY / stage.stageHeight;
	TweenLite.to( ctt, 2, {
				rotationY:(-30 + (60*distx)),
				rotationX:(30 - (60*disty)),
				} );

One of the MovieClips I load into that “ctt” container has some scrollable content. I’ve traced both the CLICK and MOUSE_DOWN events on the Dragger of the scrollbar and it’s active, it receives the click and mouse_down events. The problem is that it doesn’t drag.

I know that the scrollbar works because if I remove the loop enter_frame event I showed before it works perfectly, it just doesn’t rotate on a 3D environment as I wanted it to.

Any ideas why the dragger doesn’t drag when that ENTER_FRAME event like that is being used?
