Object vs. class - comparing two arrays.... help a noob plz!

Hi everyone,

Been lurking here for a while, and learning a lot about AS 3.0… but right now I am stuck. I am sure it is a total noob thing, but laugh away; I’ll take it if someone can point me in the right direction! =)

I am working on a game where the player catches objects that stack on top of each other. If they get them in the right order, they win.

So, here’s my dilemma:

I have an array full of the “caught” objects, and if i trace it, it reports them back as [object One], [object Two], [object Three] etc.

I have another array that contains the target order for the objects, but the best I can do when I trace THAT one is something like: [class One], [class Two], [class Three] etc.

I have tried converting them both using “as String” and also “as Object” and all kinds of other goofy stuff, but I can never get them to be the same kinds of things so that I can compare them =(

any pro-tips or advice? I’m sure I’m just missing some fundamental concept or don’t know some handy command or whatever… thanks in advance for any help, feel free to laugh =)

