I’ve had this problem for a while with alot of my games i’m making. I am kind of a noob. what happens is I have a key, a door and a health bar and an enemy. the enemy takes off some of my health…I pick up the key and it disapears and is added to my inventory. I then us it to open door then my character can move off the screen to the next frame where there is a castle., but my health bar is full again. when I go back into the previous frame the key is back, the door is closed and I cant pass through it again until I pick up the key.
the only way I have found around this is to make sure the objects are in every frame but that only solves a few problems. one of the problems is my health bar always re-plenishes no matter what when going from frame to frame. and I still cant pass thru the door even though its open.
can somebody help?