Odd UILoader and Actionscript 2.0 question

I’m designing a site for my church, and its mostly done but I’ve run into a potential problem. The way I have my site set up is, I have a index page with a drop down menu and a UIloader. When you roll over the buttons a menu drops down, you click on one of the choices and an external swf is loaded into the UILoader. So basically the home page and other pages are external swf files loaded into the UIloader.

I’m still relatively new to Flash so while I was initially putting together the site I was also teaching myself actionscript at the same time. I first started coding some of the pages with AS 2.0, then loading them into a Loader component. But then maybe because I read that AS 3.0 was more powerful I did some of the other pages in 3.0 and redid the index page into 3.0.

So now while the index page went from AS 2.0 with a loader, to 3.0 with a UIloader component, most of the swf pages are in 2.0, except for one key page which is in 3.0.

My problem is that one page in 3.0 is important because the end user can change the text externally without touching the fla which is what they wanted. But I have another page which has a animation extension that only for 2.0. So when the index page is loaded into a browser the UIloader won’t play that animation, but oddly enough still loads just about every other page just fine regardless whether it was written in 2.0 or 3.0.

So ultimately my question is there any amount of code or technique that can make the UIloader backwards compatible to display all 2.0 content. Next time I’ll do a much better job planning ahead.