Official photo battle thread - 8.2.04

my entry:

holy crap, i didn’t know it was possible to get that close to a grasshopper.

look at that detail!

I can’t believe you didn’t show me this shot right after you took it UNFLUX… I thought we were cool like that…lol.

Just noticed this thread, and grabbed my camera…hope I’m not too late to enter. I know the deadline is the 10th, but I’m not 100% sure whether I needed to say before now that I am in.

dang. unflux is gonna win now.

Yeah, that is one cool pic!!!..not to mention the weeks it must have taken to train the grasshopper to sit and stay like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like adams it has a lot of amber colors so its very soothing.

thanks, idol :beer:

thanks, idol :beer:

no problem I think this will become my backround till something else pops up like all my previous backrounds.

woo hoo! Cool, man!

Don’t mention it I like the colors alot they give me a soothing sense as i said before and it looks really cool when you are laying in bed and listening to techno I can look at it and fall asleep which I am thinking of doing.


My Entry, a shot during a storm last night.

Using shades of 1 colour to explore texture and depth.
8 sec. time exposure
Nikon CoolPix 995


prstudio- i like that man. it’s got an earthly color theme type thing. it’s nice.

findal- that shot is pretty cool, too. too bad the lightning wasn’t a little to the right side, where there seems to be light between the houses. know what i mean? it might have looked like it struck those houses and cause a fire or something. maybe not though. i’m prolly just dumb.

but nice pics yo. i can’t wait to see the winner. i know it’s gonna be unflux.

Just got back from my mini-vacation, and the entries look nice! Good work everyone!

mrE, don’t put yourself down by saying UNFLUX is going to win, I hate when people say that! :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT : And Findal, how does that correspond with the theme for this battle?
The theme was color, and uhh…

i’m not putting myself down… i honestly think unflux deserves to win, and i’m gonna vote for him. lol.

Are you aware that the photo’s you use in battles have to be new, and cannot use an image from your stash? Becuase I know someone who says that image looks familiar…

It looks familiar because its the same flower that i took last time. I did take it fresh though.

Here is a screen shot of the properties of that image (before resize) just to back myself up for those of you who have doubts:

@UNFLUX: Great macro! How did you find the grasshopper?!

Man Can I change my entry. I want to take the same shot mind you. I just found out that my ISO settings were messed with. And I know I can get a clearer shot. Is it all right with everyone. Remember it will be the same composition and everything…

Well I don’t know about everyone else, but I sure as hell wouldn’t mind Dj. Go ahead, I’d like this to be a big challenge!