I don’t wanna hog your time, basically I’m looking for a teacher of sorts… So you don’t need to read further if your not interested
Edit Note that I can’t really compensate you in terms of cash or similar, so if your willing to help me, it’d have to be free.
*About me: *I recently decided to finally leave AS2 behind and move up to the real deal, in this case, AS3. Now, I think I was quite decent with AS2, but I never used classes extensively, which is a problem now that I’ve moved to AS3. I’ve been reading up on some random tutorials, and I’ve been following Senocular’s guide for getting started with AS3 on his webpage.
Anyway, I’m just really bad with learning from tutorials or books, so I’m looking for someone willing to explain OOP in AS3 a little more indepth for me. With indepth I primarily mean how to structure things in a good way, and how to accomplish good communication between classes, and especially how to bind classes with actual graphics.
Thanks for reading,