Oh god please help!

I am currently climbing the bloody walls, after spending two weeks making a site in flash - I upgrade my flash to a legitamte version of MX and can no longer open my old file:


if anyone could open that and save it in like flash 5 or something I’d be forever in their debt.

please help!

Your link doesn’t work !!

joecohen : Your link doesn’t work. One friendly advice, you should have a back-up file for everything. Remember the golden rule :slight_smile:

terribly sorry about that


I did back it up, none of the files i made in that version of mx will open :S

joecohen: I suspect this is an MX2004 file - I get an ‘Unexpected File Format’ when trying to open your file.

Someone here with MX2004 should be able to confirm :slight_smile:

“Failed to open document” with Flash MX and “unexpected format file” with MX2004 :h: sorry man, your file must be corrupted

If it is corrupt, presumably you still have the .swf from the .fla? If you get hold of an swf decompiler at least somethings (particularly your AS) can be recovered into a new .fla.

Good luck

yeah I have a decomplier - I was hoping someone might be able to salvage all my hard work…


cheers for the help anyway guys - much appriciated.