layer 1-(actions): with a ‘stop’ function in the first and 12th frames, and ‘gotoAndStop(1);’ in the last 31st frame.
layer 2- (labels): have no code, only frame titles “over” and ‘out’
layer3 -(layer2): its MC in motion tween
and layer4 - (invisable butt)’ which has this code below
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
and now when i convert this MC clip in a button and add get URL command then motion tween animation doesn’t work. and it doesn’t even open my URL page either, also i will be loading external swf with the same butts. any clues?Please Please!Please!
this little sucker is giving me a headache, I tried that too and its not workin either, I saw your file and it seems that it works fine.
take a look at this. In my movie I have a main movie and a container to load an external swf , do you think this is something to do with it? shoot!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK IT COULD BE?
u see this file the one you saw has a conatiner that loads external movies, but when i add the code you gave me it simple opens a new window but what i actually want is to be able to load external SWF in the same existig help.swf movie something like this
on (release) {
is it possible to apply that code for this kinda button? that would load external swf’s