OK, WHY does this not work in Flash 8?

I have a sound toggle button. Once the .swf starts, the music loop fades in and plays. Click on toggle button, it fades out and vice versa.

I have the initial code in the main scene, Frame 1. Within the toggle button, I have three frames and code for each frame to conduct the function accordingly.

Linkage has been activated for the sound file, Identifier “mysound” with both Export for ActionScript and Export in first frame selected.

The code works with Flash 6 selected in my Publish Settings, but not with Flash 8. I would prefer it to work with Flash 8.

Main Scene, Frame 1 :

// initiate sound
music = new Sound();
music.start(0, 999999);
// set the volume of the sound to zero
// set a variable named 'vol'
vol = 0;
// set another variable named 'fade', putting a setInterval function in it 
fade = setInterval(fadeIn, 100);
// set the initial fade in function
function fadeIn() {
 // fade the sound in with an increment of 3 in the variable 'vol' 
 vol += 3;
 // put an if condition to restrict the increment in volume after it reaches to 100 
 if (vol>=100) {
  // create the 'step' variable 
  step = 1;
  // create the 'fade' variable 
  Fade = 0;
// create the fade in and out function 
// function executed on onEnterFrame 
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
 // set fade out 
 if (Fade == 1) {
  vol = vol-step;
  if (vol<0) {
   vol = 0;
  // set fade in 
 } else {
  vol = vol+step;
  if (vol>100) {
   vol = 100;

And in my toggle-button, I have :

Frame 1 :

on (release) {
 // set the function for variable value toggle
 (_root.fade=!_root.fade) ? 0 : 1;
 // put an if condition to tell the playhead to goto
 // the frame from where the play control starts fading in
 // as we have pressed the button to stop the sound
 // we have already set the value of the variable s to 1
 // thus the playhead moves to frame 2 where it starts fading
 // the control play in
 if (_root.s == 1) {
  tellTarget (this) {
   // now you aobviously have to set the variable's value
   // to 0, so that the next time you click the button
   // the playhead moves to the 46th frame where the stop
   // button starts fading in
   _root.s = 0;
 } else {
  // else executes when the varianle s is equal to 0
  // when you click the button for the first time it sets the
  // value of this variable to 0
  // so the next time you click this button
  // this else block executes
  tellTarget (this) {
   // now set the value of the var s to 1 again so that
   // the next time this button is clicked the block with
   // if condition can execute
   _root.s = 1;

Frame 2 :

on (release) {
 (_root.fade=!_root.fade) ? 0 : 1;
 if (_root.s == 1) {
  tellTarget (this) {
   _root.s = 0;
   _root.pl = 1;
 } else {
  tellTarget (this) {
   _root.s = 1;
   _root.pl = 0;

Frame 3 :

on (release) {
 (_root.fade=!_root.fade) ? 0 : 1;
 if (_root.s == 1) {
  tellTarget (this) {
   _root.s = 0;
   _root.pl = 1;
 } else {
  tellTarget (this) {
   _root.s = 1;
   _root.pl = 0;

Can anyone please help me get this active and compatible with Flash 8 ?