[size=1]so, i’m trying to make this curséd dynamic text box scroll. i got it working … sort of. the up and down arrows work, only when you click – not when you hold them down. the slider scrolls it fine, too … though it’d be nice for it to scroll smoother but that’s the least of my worries. the slider and the arrows aren’t linked. so they scroll the box independently of one another.
perhaps i’m just so deliriously tired of looking for the solution or just plain deliriously tired that i’ve missed something obvious … but is there anyone that could help me?
i would love to have a custom scrollbar that works as well as the flash component scrollbar does.
i can’t upload the file to get help because its too big :\
MSN : breeed@msn.com
AIM : bearingbruises
[if anyone can help me, contact me at one of those places and i’ll send you the file]
thank you.[/size]