Hey NeoDreamer why don’t you Google it?
It’s kind of funny how the name of the video on the site was “Why we don’t drift FF”.
I’m apart of drifting forums, and it sounded funny.
EDIT, And it works in firefox
Never!!! I will never google it.
I looked at my MP3 player. It says “01 - O Fortuna, Carmina Burana.” Kirupa, it is one of my favorite classical songs.
[ot]Thanks! It is part of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana’s O Fortuna: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00001ZSXC/ref=pd_sim_music_1/102-8040252-5030538?v=glance&s=music :)[/ot]
You beat me to it!
Hey guys,
I’m actually convinced the point of this sport is to hit the spectators, for in one scene, the camry stops, and reverses into the crowd!
LOL! Sounds like a great sport. If I was wearing the right amount of body padding and was guaranteed face time on a wheaties box, it could be fun
good point.
Right, so first of all: these guys are amazingly stupid and should all be shot by me.
Second of all: what the hell does “the matrix” have to do with these idiots?
Third: some of those scenes are actually quite funny, like the landrover tipping over, others are just amazing like the speed of the car right after the landrover scene.
Fourth: why are there so many people standing there, with their cars and all, while they just know a car is bound to slide into them? Is that like, Mid-Eastern Extreme Sports or something?
Average European/American: "I feel like doing something dangerous… Let’s go bungee jumping! :!: "
White-robed Mideastern guy: "I feel like getting a kick… Let’s organise a race where we put some lunatics in cars, make them race a highway at 200+km/h, and bring our cars to stand by the road waiting to get mowed! Yeah! :crazy: "
Ow, and fifth: Yeah, that’s Carmina Burana. It’s like, one of the most known modern-classisal music works here in Europe. I’m surprised most of you didn’t recognise it immediately, must be a little more unknown across the ocean.
This seems to be a drag race. If you play NFS you should know what it is. It’s just that they seem to be horridly bad drag racers.
Lol mlk,
It’s not drag, it’s supposed to be a form of drifting, but without the part of keeping control. The reason they spin out so easily, is becuase they’re FWD, and light chassis. If you notice, all the cars are camrys or accords? Obviously except for the rover.
That music sounds familiar … I saw this movie on pureesoiree.be once that had the same music, but the visuals were matching the music, it was pretty cool. I think I posted it here too, it was about the carsledding …
Right, here it is: http://www.uglypeoplesuck.com/bits/2003/11/06/carsledding.wmv
I didn’t really find that to be very crazy.
@ Voets: Yeah I remember that, I saw it on their a while ago as well, it’s cool because it’s synchronised =)
…and has guys flying into piles of snow.
You must be used to these kinds of sports eh?
3 ton vehicales travelling at high speeds, smashing crowds of people…
My bad, I was playing the french NFS… definitely a drift race
That’ll teach me to be a moron… :bad: