OMG, What are these mid-easterners thinking?!? - MUST SEE

I just saw this video over the net, and it is probably the most wack thing since jackass! And belive it or not, the things they do on this video with thier cars are actually on purpose…

no opinions?

its been 40 minutes, and im at work so im not going to watch it.

pretty stupid people on that video

like errr… Where the heck’s the matrix in that? :h: :to:

i can’t decide who’s dumber - the drivers, or the people standing and parking nearby.

I think they just figured that the word “Matrix” would be cool to use. Anyway, yes it is a very dumb thing to do but whatever passes the time I guess.

It must be a new sport.

shakes head in wonder

[mock entusiasm]Hey I’ve got a great idea for a new game we can all play. Let’s destroy thousands of pounds worth of property and cars and run over each other while posing the biggest threat to driver safety in history![/mock entusiasm]


broken link :sure:

I’m sorry grinch. But i can’t seem to find the funny. Or the amazing.

broken browser or whatever’s causing it :to:

You need IE. That’s another reson i dont like this video, it doesn’t like FF. KILL

Looks fun :slight_smile:

haha, did you see how easily they flipped that land cruiser?? about one minute and forty seconds into the video…

these guys are idiots, just like the idiots in america who do similiar idiotic stuff with thier vehicles…

This ranks right up there with “mudding” as the dumbest things one can do to a vehicle :slight_smile:

[size=1]btw: does anyone know the the name of the classical music piece that is playing the background behind the drums/bass/whatever?[/size]

sushi, it does TOO work in FF… it did for me…


How do you not find that amazing or funny!!! I was in aw when I saw how stupid these people are!

it’s the matrix theme - classical style. I think it comes with the soundtrack, but I found it on k++.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of those idiots here.

“carmina fortuna” - something in the lines of that. I will get back to you when I find the actual name of the song.