OMG why did the word association game thread get locked?

yes mum

…so why was it closed?

no idea… :frowning:

i m glad it is locked, useless spam, hope they keep it that way :smiley:

lol it was fun though

I’m… speechless. This? Coming from Jas? Well I never.

:frowning: This forum is not as fun as it used to be anymore

Unlocked. :slight_smile:

I just unlocked it. I have no idea why it got locked either :}

haha, love that smily.

:love: thanks kirupa!

Well well well… Isn’t Jas the shrink wrapped, uptight one who always has this secret wish to barge in on like cops on everyone’s innocent fun? :stuck_out_tongue:

…useless spam…

It’s a game dude, what do ya expect outta it? Elaborate tutes? :lol:

Get real for once bro! :stuck_out_tongue:


get real by playing an online spam word game lol, i follow ya phoenix haha

No Jassi! Get real by NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING ELSE THAN SPAM OUT OF AN ONLINE WORD GAME! Sheesh… I didn’t expect such a washed-out-flame from you bro! :stuck_out_tongue:

What were you lookin forward to with all that word association goin on anyway? Enhancing your vocabulary? :lol: