OMG why did the word association game thread get locked?

OMG why did the word association game thread get locked? :’(

PM’d .soulty and talking to Mike. I am really, really, really, really sorry if it was me, but I don’t think it was. What happened?!

nokrev if it was you you set a record of some-sort.

wasn’t me, i don’t look in that thread anyway.

I really, really hope it wasn’t me. That last post wasn’t meaning to trick anybody or anything.

wasn’t you who posted pr0n huh yea I am checking.

Yeah, but what’s wrong with that? Anyways, that had been posted many times before, and it was several pages back.

I think someone missed April fools by 15 days . . .

I didn’t lock it. I asked the mod that did, I dont wanna unlock it if its something that I missed. It’ll be worked out and restored to normal soon enough :D.

I don’t know I posted getting laid but Idk.

Must be…

^nothing i believe. It will be over looked… not litterly but figurtavly (sp?).


wasnt Kirupa or DDD they are both AFK.

Yeah, when was the minute it happened?

It could’ve been simp, accidentallly trying to unsubscribe.

mdipi posted in the word association game with his special mod powers.

I know. He did it by my request.

Peter “Now we play the waiting game”.

some of you guys really get carried away with non-sense stuff. it then takes away the “fun” out of the game…

i’d say unlock it, but delete about last couple of pages…

edit: and if you really really want to play, please, you should read the rules first, and understand them, and then post.:stare: