On keyPress "TAB", Selection.setFocus("NEXT TEXTFIELD")

hi there. well, i’ve been trying to fix this bug in a form:

when i press TAB, the selection goes to another movieclip, instead of the next text field.
i read a lot of threads, but could’t fix this bug, so i hope someone can help me out.

so far (after lots), i got this code:
var textAR:Array = [“nome_txt”, “contacto_txt”, “email_txt”, “morada_txt”, “pais_txt”]
var textCounter:Number = 0

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.TAB)) {
trace(“the key is TAB!”)
if(textCounter >= textAR.length){
textCounter = 0
i read about tabIndex somewhere, but cant use that too…

hope someone out there can help me out.
thanks in advance!