On press. Button help!

I have 2 simple buttons, with black color. I whant to do that when I press a button it turns to red. but when I press the other button it turns to red but the other button that was red will turn black.

how to do this :run: thanx

you could do it a few ways. if you want the colors to fade just make them movie clips, and on frame1 have the ball red. on frame 5 havea tween that turns the color to black. you can do it by hexadecimal but i’m not sure how to do that

sorry I did not understand much, please explane more

can you provide the source file so that i can understand it better !

sure give me 5 minutes


anybody ? help

Here’s one way to do it. I put together a simple FLA for you to study, enjoy. =)

Thank you Eg. Thank you very much…

np =)