On(rollOut) in reverse


I have problem, i would like the movieClip to play in reverse when leaving it.

gotoAndPlay("start", 2);

gotoAndStop("start", 1);

// is there anyway to play it in reverse to frame 1? i don't want it to jump to frame1 as it does right know!

gotoAndPlay("away", 1);

Try using “play” in your click function, instead of “gotoAndPlay”.
Place your out transitions immediately following the sections along the timeline.
At the end of the out transition, place a stop, and call a function that sends the playhead to the target frame.

This is conceptually different than using the click function to directly load content.
Instead, you are using the click function to remove content.
The process of removing content(reverse tweening on frames 2-10) initiates the loading of new content when the playhead reaches the stop action and reference to the loading function.

I’ve used this to build websites when I first started using Flash, and it worked very nicely.
I currently prefer to do everything on frame1 using programmatic tweening, and no longer use frame navigation or timeline tweens.

Here is a source file for buttons which play reverse on roll out.