On rollout play backwards?

I have a problem that you might solve. Or better yet…you CAN solve :wink:

I created a MC that will play when you rollover a button and play again on rollout. Here comes the problem. If you rollout this MC before the animation comes to stop, it will stop at the stop point and won’t continue playing until you rollover again which then looks (and actually is) as a bug.

I heard that there is an action that when it detects mouse, plays but if the mouse leaves, it plays backwards(?). He was saying something about getproperty.

Many thanks in advance.

Check this out:


What !? I don’t get it at ALL :-\

ok here goes:


//Button Function
myButton_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {

//this will check to see if "onmyButton is true if it is it will go to the next frame in your button MC. If it is not it will go back to the previous frame

if (onmyButton) {
	this.nextFrame ();
}else {
	this.prevFrame ();


//Button Action
myButton_mc.onRollOver = function () {

//This will send a true variable back to the above function to make the timeline move forward.

onmyButton = true;

myButton_mc.onRollOut = function () {

//This will send a false variable back to the above function to make the timeline move backwards.

onmyButton = false;



Hope that helps :slight_smile:
