onClipEvent (enterFrame) problem

I’ve used script like this (action for movieClip in frame 1):

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
var bytes_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (bytes_loaded == bytes) {
this.infotxt = “movie loaded”;
this.infotxt = “loading (” + bytes_loaded + “/” + bytes +")";


When I ‘Test Movie’ it’s staying on frame 1 (WHY?!) and nothing’s happening. Next, in ‘Test Movie’ still, I enable ‘show streaming’, everything is all right - trace is working, the preloader is working and the loaded movie is showing like i want to. But when i disable ‘show streaming’ it’s bad again like for the first time. Why ‘onClipEvent (enterFrame)’ is not triggered then? ( i think so, beacuse ‘trace(bytes)’ don’t show up.

Action for frame 2 :

and two another, not so important, questions - if anyone is using debugger? how can I stop on breakpoint?

thanks for any help

no, frame 1 actions of the root timeline is empty.

there’s “stop();” on frame 3 of the root timeline.

infotxt is the name of the Var I used in dynamic text I used to make this movieClip.

I don’t know what is happening :|, Sometimes when I start “test movie” the preloader doesn’t work even when I enable “show streaming” !!! sometimes it works (I don’t change anything in the code, just launch “test movie” again) !!!

what is going on?
is this possible that my windows is congested too much and there’s insufficent memory or something?

I can send this .fla file.