I’ve used script like this (action for movieClip in frame 1):
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
var bytes_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (bytes_loaded == bytes) {
this.infotxt = “movie loaded”;
this.infotxt = “loading (” + bytes_loaded + “/” + bytes +")";
When I ‘Test Movie’ it’s staying on frame 1 (WHY?!) and nothing’s happening. Next, in ‘Test Movie’ still, I enable ‘show streaming’, everything is all right - trace is working, the preloader is working and the loaded movie is showing like i want to. But when i disable ‘show streaming’ it’s bad again like for the first time. Why ‘onClipEvent (enterFrame)’ is not triggered then? ( i think so, beacuse ‘trace(bytes)’ don’t show up.
Action for frame 2 :
and two another, not so important, questions - if anyone is using debugger? how can I stop on breakpoint?
thanks for any help