onClipEvent problem

I have a button with an instance name of “sub1” and inside of this button frame one has a stop action and frame 2-10 is a tween of it moving up with a stop action on frame 10. on this button i have a script that says the following:

onClipEvent (load) {

so this button is supposed to go and play out the animation from frame 2 to 10 when i test the movie, however it plays frame 2 and stops there so it just moved up a little bit.

what i am trying to achieve is i want this button to be on frame 10 when the entire movie loads because its button 1 of my 3 buttons that move up and down and the first one shows an image which automatically loads when the page is open so i want that buttons “up” state to be at frame 10 when the movie loads as well. is my code incorrect or should i be doing something different all together?