This is my first post and my first day even touching actionscript beyond the typical behaviors such as buttons or loading an external movie.
I trying to learn tween via AS. Fuse first and then Tweener. I’m not sure which is easier to learn, but neither have a ‘dummies’ book and constructors, events, objects and hoot-nanny just confuse me.
I have a series of tweens using Fuse and at the end I want it to go to frame three, but not before. See below:
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
// start faded down with alpha of 0
textMenu._alpha = 0;
// fade to 100, over 1 second with a 1 second delay
textMenu.alphaTo (100,1,"easeOutBack",1);
// start faded down with alpha of 0
bg_radialGrey_mc._alpha = 0;
// fade to 100, over 1 second with a 1.5 second delay
// start faded down with alpha of 0
ftrTag_mc._alpha = 0;
// fade to 100, over 1 second with a 2 second delay
// go to next frame onComplete, but I'm not sure how, its all Greek to me
The tweens work perfectly, its great not to mess with the timeline for the simple stuff, but everything basically runs at the same time.
I’d appreciate your help or any direction you could give and if you know of a site that has detailed examples. Notice I have to comment my code like crazy or I get lost.
Thank you and have a great weekend.