One movie multy url links

whats the best way to have a single outro movie which, depending on the you pressed jumps to a different url link…

for instance

button 1 ___when pressed would go to outro movie and link to url myflash01.swf

button 2___when pressed would go to same outro movie but would link to url myflash02.swf

hopefully there’s a simple script for something like this.

any help would be great…


senocular just posted something like that here:

personally … i really like his code :slight_smile: it’s easy and simple …

thanx kax, for your swift response,

it was exactly what I was looking for, should same me a whole lot of time.


// button
photosection01.onRelease = function(){
action = function(){
// last frame

photosection01_ does this have to be the instance name, or the action script indentifier.

also, is the action used to play the outro, or do you use it to set the getUrl function.

somthin like this:

// button
photosection01.onRelease = function(){
action = function(){
getURL (“myflash.swf”);
// last frame

action script will be the death of me!

thanx for anyhelp.


yes …

photosection01 is the instance name of a movie clip or button

action = function () {
// you place here the actions you want it to execute when the outro is finished

gotoAndPlay(“outro”) you tell it to play your outro

and place action() in the last frame of the outro so your actions are executed

cheers m8t, much thanx for the help.



this is what I came up with which works aswell.

// actions for button

on (release) {

_global.photoOne = function(){


then in my outro mov. on the last frame.

// call back var.


thanx again for help
