Hello ppl, I am glad I have found this board, a little bit dissapointed for myself, I should have found here before
anyway, this is my question
in my web site, I am loading the 5 different sections iwth loadMovieNum(), and I have preloaders each of their beginning frames.
What I want to do is making a one preloader (what comes in my mind that it should be loaded when a user presses a link to any section and just afterwards load the content of that selected section) that loads the before loaded contents.
I should definitely use Arrays for sorting the sections out, what I cannot do is, like for instance, I can load the preolader first, and how can I calculate the loading section’s _getbytesLoaded as a method, because I am not in that mc and dunno the mc’s name. it is pure blabla.swf.
Levels comes to ones mind in this situation, maybe I should just loadMovieNum and calculate the getbytesLoaded according to the levels, which seems reasonable. What do u think ?
and I need some example about the arrays in this issue. Like when I press one of the five sections my loader should understand which blabla.swf to load and start to calculate that level …
secondly, well it is a good idea to make the preloader dynamic, but before that, for my sections mc’s I need a one preolader for each of the loaded the sections.
In the thread you have given me as an example the loader loads a specific swf, which is not the one I wanted really
Let me give you an example. I have main.swf, and 5 different sections that are a.swf b.swf c.swf. d.swf. e.swf whatever.
Now I want to build a preloader, it is not a big deal whether creating it on the fly or just use a pre-built one. and it can be an external swf file like preloader.swf as well as can be a in-built in the main.swf.
My point is, I want to use it loading multiple movies. not at the same time of course, just when it gets the input from the user, like click or sth. The problem is I don’t want to create 5 different preloader for 5 different sections, I just want to create one and all.
But if I am not mistaken, that is exactly what the link I sent you to does. Of course we used it for preloading images, but it should work with no matter what you load in there.
But for movies you will probably have to have a blank first frame to your movie with a stop action, and then once it is finished loading you will have to call a play() action to play it, but it is still the same method.
The only other method other than in that link would be to put a preloader on each individual .swf file.