Does anyone know of an easy way to make an onion skin sort of effect with a tween using action script. Maybe duplicate the movie clip repeatedly with a lower alpha level for each progressive one? I’m trying to make a tween that leaves a trail behind it that disappears.
Yeah, there’s a thread for it. Let me do some searching, it was a while ago.
Well, that didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would:
Great thanks
Why is it I only realize I could have done this after I post. ugh. :-\
Like the effect in my footer?
yup. Thats the one. I think I got it. Im just trying to think of a way to optimize the action script. I can do it the laborious way of creating each follow bar individually but I’m almost finished on a loop that will just do it all for me. If i want to add more, I just make the counter go higher. Pretty straightforward
Mine doesn’t involve any actionscript or individual follow bars. I writing a tutorial for it at the moment, should be released soon. :thumb:
ooh ok. I only figured out how to do it using AS. It’s probably the easiest for me this way.
It is also heavier on the processor using a script, but then again you can do a lot with a script more than a special effect method. I prefer my way and when I release my tutorial you should check it out! :thumb:
will do
Telekinesis - I’m sorry, I’m to impacient - If:
Mine doesn’t involve any actionscript or individual follow bars.
Then what did you use? What’s left? I’m dyin’ to know!!
Tutorial will be done very soon, maybe tomorrow.
Here is a mini-tutorial on it, not as easy to follow, if you don’t get it I won’t have time to explain so wait for the tutorial.
[color=lightred][size=1]Mini-Tracer Tutorial:
1. Make 2 new movie clips named clone_clip and main_clip.
2. Place the clone_clip on the root timeline from the library.
3. Open up the clone_clip.
4. Place the main_clip on its own layer in the current clip, which should be clone_clip.
5. Name the layer with main_clip to original.
6. Make 3 more layers named clone 1, clone 2, and clone 3 sequentially.
7. On the clone 1 layer add a keyframe on frame 4, on clone 2 add a keyframe on frame 7, on clone 3 add a keyframe on frame 10.
8. On frame 10 of the clone 3 layer add a stop action.
9. Select your main_clip from the original layer and copy (ctrl+c)
10. Paste in place (ctrl+shift+v) the main_clip on frame 4 in the clone 1 layer, on frame 7 of the clone 2 layer, and on frame 10 of the clone 3 layer.
11. Select frame 10 on the original layer and press F5 to make a frame. Do this on frame 10 of clone 1 layer and clone 2 layer.
12. Lock all of the layers besides clone 1 and put the main_clip alpha setting to 75%. Lock that layer and unlock clone 2 and change main_clip alpha setting to 50%. Lock that layer and unlock clone 3 and change main_clip alpha setting to 25%.
13. Lock all layers again besides the original layer.
14. Open up your main_clip inside of the original layer and do you animations.[/size][/color]
That is all there is to it, have fun! The one in my footer is a little more complex, but not much!
Cool - I’ll have to give that a try. Thanks!!