Could anyone recommend where I might be able to get a script for an online ordering form?
I’ve looked around a few search engines and had not a lot of luck.
Any ideas appreciated…
Many thanks
like an online shopping cart? i’m pretty sure its done with javascript, and I found one a few years ago, but i can’t remember where sorry.
yeah, that’s what I need an online shopping cart…
Hey also I need you to mail me your addy again jubba.
try that…i only looked quick but it might be what you need…you want my e-mail? or my school addy?
school! and thanks for the link Jeff
no problem simon…address is sent.
cheers jubba… and I mailed ya back, lemme know what you think?
My “download-cart” was originally s’posed to be a shopping cart, can be found in “Flash Site Workshop” . (@#%$’ expensive!)
I can send you the fla if you want…
If you could eyez… also how expensive?
Joe is it ok for you to send the fla to me I hope you don’t mind… thanks Joe and also how much are we talking??
Thanks again