onLoadInit help?

I’m making a gallery. I’m only at the beginning of doing so but I’m having a problem passing variables into the onLoadInit function.

for (var i = 0; i<nTotalPics; i++) {
    main.createEmptyMovieClip( "container"+i, i );
    var container:MovieClip = main["container"+i];
    container.createEmptyMovieClip( "pic"+i, i );
    var pic:MovieClip = container["pic"+i];
    // load images
    mcl.loadClip( astrImages*, pic, i );

    // Thumbnail structure // USED to be pic. , now it's container.
    container._x = (i%columns)*thumbWidth;
    var newRow = Math.floor(i/columns);
    container._y = newRow * thumbHeight;


// when the image finishes loading
mclListener.onLoadInit = function(pic:MovieClip){
    **main.container3.createTextField("txtQuan", 1, 0, 100, 80, 20);
    var txtQuan:TextField = main.container3.txtQuan;**
    txtQuan.text = "How many : ";

// add the listener to the MovieClipLoader Object

The code I’m having an issue with is in bold. After the images have been loaded I want to add a TextField underneath them.
Why can’t I use the “i” value from the for loop to create textfields. I want to do this: **main[“container”+i].createTextField(“txtQuan”, 1, 0, 100, 80, 20); . **Why can’t I do this? I’m a little lost when it comes to listeners.

Thanks for any ideas you have.