onLoadInit with thumbnails from XML

I am loading a few thumbnails from XML.
When they load in, I want them to perform a few simple functions.
However, when I load them in, Only the LAST thumbnail takes the onLoadInit() function.
Can you help me out?

function AttachThumbs(xmlData)
    xmlNode = xmlData.firstChild.childNodes;
    var total:Number = xmlNode.length;
    thumb = *;

        thumb* = xmlNode*.attributes.thumb;
        var thumbX:Number = i*dimension;

        nav = _root.attachMovie("thumb","thumbs"+i,i,{_x:thumbX});
        var tLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener:Object = new Object();
        loadListener.onLoadInit = function()
            nav._x = -(dimension/2);
            nav._y = -(dimension/2);

It’s as if I need to create multiple loadListener objects… one for each thumbnail, but I dont know how to do that when declaring a variable … ie: one cant say:

var ["loadObject"+i]:Object = new Object();

Ok thanks if you can help!!:hockey: