I have this function
function createLoader(i, data, num) {
thisLoader = eval("container_mc.loader"+i+"_mc");
thisLoader._alpha = 0;
c.capela.text = data[num].cap;
watcher_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
var picLoaded = thisLoader.getBytesLoaded();
var picBytes = thisLoader.getBytesTotal();
if (isNaN(picBytes) || picBytes<4) {
if (picLoaded/picBytes>=1) {
swapPlace("container_mc.loader2_mc", 1);
**c.alpha(data[num].fadeTime, 100);**
thisLoader.alpha(data[num].fadeTime, 100);
timerInterval = setInterval(imageGen, data[num].timer, data);
delete this.onEnterFrame;
I want movie clip c to fadein “data[num].fadeTime” after thisLoader. and Fade Out data[num].fadeTime before thisLoader fade out. theLoader duration is “data[num].timer” so we have all requided vars.
e.g. fade = 2, timer = 8,
image fadein duration fadeout
2 + 8 + 2
How can I say to movieclip c wait “data[num].fadeTime” then fade in “data[num].fadeTime” + stay “data[num].timer” minus "data[num].fadeTime * 2 " and fadeout data[num].fadeTime.
I bold that paret where I try it but this can be out of this function too.
its a bit complicated, but for a AS coder, not so. Im designer not coder.