This scroller has been giving me hassle for almost 2 months! I have text with an autoscroll but want the scrolling to be controlled by holding down the mouse and moving it. Ths is my code…
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if(_root._xmouse > 328 && _root._xmouse < 800 && _root._ymouse > 120 && _root._ymouse < 540)
onMouseDown. marketing_mc._y = -(1000/409 * _root._ymouse) +440;
It doesn’t work obviously but is there a way to change the syntax so that it works or do I need to do something completely different. There must be a way to say “onMouseDown, look at _root._y.mouse and move the MC accordingly”
Please help if you know how or point me in the direction of a relevant tutorial you know of.
Thanks alot