
…i threw this together. its nothing, its not for anything, i was just bored. you dont even have to comment… because… you know. har.

ooo… very…

hhmm i dont have a comment either…

…well, i told you not to.

ummm… if you don’t want any comments why did you post it here in the first place? :stuck_out_tongue:

he’s playing mind games…

plays xfiles theme

haha, I guess he just wanted us to see what he has done and that’s all. =) :stuck_out_tongue:

…yea, sure. got me. :wink:

he likes the attention

…no i don’t. CRAZY TALK.

yep you soooooo love it… :stuck_out_tongue:

i think starpromo is a robot. he is too fast at replying.

Quickreply - mmmmh he loves the little box…
besides he trained in a very good keyboard typing school…

yes i love quik reply… its the best thing that could of been added to kirupa… and boy do i like it :)… its just a matter of learning all the smilies now…

of course i wouldnt be so silly to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

i think it would be better if it were smaller, it’d look more detailed.