OOP in flash: calling a function w/in a function class?

Okay so I am reading through sens tutorial on OOP and updating my game that I am making. It is much easier to code this way (IMO) but still hitting snags.
I am trying to get through this code:

   House = function(){
        this.floors = 4; 
        this.siding = "Red"; 
        this.outputSiding = function(){

    // create an instance of the House class 
    myHouse = new House(); 
    myHouse.outputSiding(); // traces "Red"

Now as it seems to me, I have nearly the same thing (I will condense this to save space):

//set new character function()
character = function (depth, x, y, charType, name, HP, MP) {
	//sets stats used; this works fine :)
	//attachMovie and set x/y 
	_root.attachMovie(this.name+"_mc", this.name+"MC", this.depth, {_x:this.x,_y:this.y});
/*this is where I am having trouble; it won't do anything!
I have tried tracing to no avail
also, can I set the x and y coords somehow with the
already made object x and y? I am tired right now and
can't think of a way but what I have done, which does
nothing as this function won't go!*/
	statsBox = function(depth)	{
		this.depth = depth;
		this.x = enemy._x+130;
		this.y = enemy._y-50;
		_root.attachMovie("stats_mc", statsNameMC, this.depth, {_x:this.x,_y:this.y});

enemy = new character(30, 350, 200, 'enemy', 'genericName', _root.EHP, _root.EMP);

that’s it, pretty much. So what’s wrong? Maybe I’m too tired for this right now…