Hello! I’m working on a website and its not upload to the net yet, so i dont have a www, but i’m trying to use a code that was in the tutorial for flash mx. and the thing is, i can’t make another html open in that window by putting the path to my hard drive were that file is, but if i put any www that exist, it will open that link. Why?
i need to test everything before going live, and i just cant make this work
You don’t need to put the whole harddrive path. If it is in the same folder, you simply have to put the filename. If its in the same directory but in another sub-folder, all you need to put is foldername/filename. (…/ will take you out of a folder). Sorry if you already knew this info.
you could setup a local host on your computer and host everything on a testing server and then call it from localhost… but that’s a bit excessive for your needs