As developers at De Monsters we weren’t totally happy with the current Flash, Flex or AIR debuggers out there. So we decided to create our own debugger called De MonsterDebugger. Today we’ve got a great new version that we want to share with the community for free.
De MonsterDebugger started out as an internal tool that helped us with the development of different ActionScript 3 projects. The past several months we’ve been working on a new version of this internal tool. With this new version you can explore your live application, adjust properties and run methods all at runtime. You can trace objects of any type (String, Array, XML or even custom classes) to De MonsterDebugger and it will show the complete structure of that object in an easy-to-read tree structure. De MonsterDebugger is made with Adobe Flex and brought to the desktop with Adobe AIR.
Because De MonsterDebugger isn’t our core business we’re giving it away for free! All the sourcecode is open source available under the GNU General Public license.
Enough talking!
Here’s all the information you need:
Ferdi Koomen,
Lead Developer @ De Monsters