I did the tutorial on Opening a New Browser Window in Flash and when I used kirupa’s settings for the flash URL and JavaScript in HTML everything went fine, but now comes the problem. When I changed to my HTML file name and flash file name, the window does not pop up. I changed the numbers for the width and height in the HTML page, but I have a sense that I am not writing the right URL and java script code correctly. I don’t know what to write where it’s written KirupaStyle and this is what I wrote in the flash URL:
javascript:Launch(‘E:\files\Dim Light Design website\TMP1usbk7l8fp.htm/logo_rio_popup.html’)
and this is what I put on the HTML:
<!-- Begin
function Launch(page) {
OpenWin = this.open(page, “logo_rio_popup.html”, “toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=288,height=494”);
// End -->
Anyone would help me please??