Opening external swfs into main movie


I have done searches… and either I am just braindead today, or I am not finding the answer.

Anyway, I have a main.swf with a menu that is its own mc.
(It needs to pop up when the menu button is clicked), from this menu I need external swfs to open
inside my main.swf.
I also want my external swfs to play in order.
like mod_1.swf plays and then opens mod_2.swf ect.

(the menu is just for the user to jump around)

So I have started with this code…
on the main timeline(Scene) I have a target code

container._x = 0
container._y = 0

then within my menu mc I have

m1_btn.onpress = function() {
loadMovie (“mod_1.swf”, “container”);
container._x = 400
container._y = 300

-and I do have a container mc in my library-

but, its not working… :-\

I would truely appreciate any advice.