Opening QuickTime Player?

Does anyone know how to open a movie in QuickTime Player from a Flash website?

I’ve tried getURL(“”, “quicktimeplayer”) but it just opens the movie in a browser window. I’m thinking maybe this can be accomplished by using Javascript and having the getURL go through that or something. My Javascript/Actionscript abilities are both limited though…

The QuickTime tutorial explains:

*When set, the QuickTime Plug-in will launch QuickTime Player as a helper application (if it is not already running) and opens the url of the movie file. In order for TARGET=“QUICKTIMEPLAYER” to work, there needs to be an href attribute in the embed tag which points to the movie file.

embed src=“” width=“200” height=“240” href=“” target=“quicktimeplayer”*

Thanks for any help.

Not too sure on that one mate, but you can import a .mov file into flash and publish it as a .swf.

This is handy because when you embed it you can also choose the size and quality of the clip, which help to customize it to your site…

Hope that helps.


Yeah, I’m aware of that, but I specifically want the movie to load in QuickTime Player. I’m fairly certain I’ve seen this done once before, but it was over six months ago…
