Opera Browser

(EDIT: in IE) write something like kirupa and press CTRL+ENTER - you got http://www.kirupa.com loading.

heh, thirst thing - I need mac to do that :slight_smile:

ohh i see! cool i got it open right now i will try

Lynx the new Avant Browser has cntrl+enter

i just wanna ask does it support other languages such as arabic

cuz my aunt has windows 98 and her IE does not support arabic and sometimes she wants to read arabic things on the net but she cant.

Originally posted by !@& *
i just wanna ask does it support other languages such as arabic

yes –>> Home - Avant Browser - The full-featured tri-core rendering Avant Browser which supports IE/Firefox/Chrome engines is fast, stable and memory leak free.

ah thanx
now i can solve her problem
in th bigging i download netscape but it sucked it scrambeld the page

I had Opera too, and I quiet liked it. Just stupid you always have a banner in the top right corner, unless you want to pay $$

I Like it because it was that fast…

The only thing I like Moz more for, is that you can specify no cache, so QA is much easier.

Other than that, AvantBrowser is the best I’ve found so far (thanks to Jubba)…

I really like the search panel on the left (along with a searchable history & favorites tab, that allows you to search for images exclusively, news, etc.

very convenient browser. It just doesn’t connect with Moz mailer, so it’s hard to use for mailto, etc. It would work if I went back to Outlook, but thats not going to happen any time soon…


in response to Lynx: I was merely stating what Avant has. Avant IS opera. It is just a different way of running IE. And you don’t even have to press control+enter you can just press Enter when you type in Kirupa. AvantBrowser autotypes addresses that are in your history…

ok jubba. i just looked at avant cuz i’ve never tried it b4, and wanted to see whats up with it… this is what it says at the top… “IE Opera” has been renamed to “Avant Browser”, a final official name! So that’s like weird, cuz what the heck is IE opera? so then i look around and see some stuff… and come to the realization that this browser and opera are in no way connected…
so no, i have to say Avant is NOT Opera. it is run by two different people.
heres is one of the main differences right here…
Opera didn’t use Mosaic as the core, and was programmed from scratch, thus it works completely differently and the results show, wheres Avant re-uses IE. Actually it uses MSHTML and many other parts of IE but puts it’s own interface.

OK, so now that I learned that it is in fact IE, spruced up to work like Opera, (cuz operas the best) heheh, this makes me a bit wary. So i figure I’ll go read about who made it and the technical specs, and find, that there is in no way any sort of thing on the site where there is more specific info other then the new things in new versions, and a crappy FAQ that seems to cater more towards the general mass of users who unfortunatley don’t know enough to ask other ques. (nothing mean towards them i mean, i just want more info about stuff, and where is my info!!! wheres opera provides info even though it might be meaningless to people like my parents or grandparents who are pretty much Inet illiterate)(another aside, the way a company treats its customers like either smart people or dumb cows tells a LOT about how their products will mingle with your computer, either now or later. prime example. AOL treats its customers like dumb idiots, who need everything put out b4 them in happy colored buttons, and can set aside all human and rational thought to just succumb to the easy interface and shove-it-up-your-bum products… and AOL is the biggest piece of f***** @*&!^% garbage company that i have ever had the horror of experienceing. so… )
ok. now that i’ve strayed… plain and simple. i doubt that Avant is better then Opera, but i will keep an open mind and try it anywhoo so that i’m not one of those morons who use something even if there is something better out there jsut because they are too pigheaded to try soemthing new. LOL. plus if you guys are ranting at how good it is, i’m sure it must be. :wink:

hehe. off i go. i’ll tell you if i’m a convert later. :beam:

ok, I didn’t mean it was Opera, regardless of what the website says. I know its not because if it was Opera, then yeah… um… WTF is there Opera and Avant… anyway… I have used Operan and Avant, and I personally think Avant is better. :slight_smile: JUST MY OPINION

oh, ok, cool. when you said it is opera, i thought maybe opera like had an alliance with some1 else or something. my bad. :slight_smile:

yeah i know. SOmeone mentioned that by presing control+enter you could auto complete… that didn’t make any sense because IE just finishes it for you anyway… I dunno. I read the thread fast and posted faster so I may have misspoken a few times. :slight_smile:

golgi: No, I meant it was similar. My bad. Like i said, I don’t read what I type. :_)

tangent hey phil, i really dig your footer, it makes me giggle everytime i see one of your posts…

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
Who’s glad Boston is NOT in Canada… :P:P **

??? if it was in montreal i could get poutine any time of the day

hehehe, i just thought of another post, the one on trillian. i’m making my own skin for it, and i should inclde a litte poutine emote that has homer’s voice saying “mmm, poutine…”

hehehe… I like that. By the way, I liked Trillian so much, that I bought two copies. (The pro version, obviously… the other version is free).

I am currently downloading Opera and already downloaded the IE OPERA… I will try OPERA first, since Ive been having some problems with IE. (only with one site). We’ll see how it goes. I’ll start with Opera.

Well even if AvantBrowser isnt OPERA it still is kick butt!

Gogli: (refering to your footer) You are missing the most important one…

“Doobie–Dooobie–Doooooooo” Budweiser Penguin
