Opinions about my layout!

here is a concept that might help your thinking.

Heres what it looks like with blurred edges:

The front model needs a softer look to it. The pixellation on that robot at the front is brutal, it def. needs fixing. All I did was run over the edges from Soulty’s layout with the blur tool… its coming along though, definite progress :slight_smile:

ok, I know the image is still pixelated, but I´m not using a gradient in the top and the bottom anymore, I changed from red to orange, and I know the image it´s pixelated, but I´m now on the general layout design, then I redefined all the little things, thanks for the help, I´ll work on it

I am starting to see those robotic type images everywhere now… just thought you should know… Overall it’s not bad… just a little bland. I like the moving bits by the menu, but the type seams a little boring… Just work on the interface a bit more… needs some fine tuning…

sweet , i like the update, looking much better :thumb:

like vstorm said some fine tuning and it will look even better.

Thanks! yep I´m still working, I know the robotic things are more seen , but I live in Costa Rica and there´re a lot of designers but the “robotic” image of my layout is relatively new here

Layouts alright :slight_smile:

Pretty nice.