My site please check

I would like some feedback on my website please.

It’s a bit un flash

there aren’t a lot of effect’s in it, Why do you use flash for it, there is no animation in it

This may be hard, but I think it is the truth…


This site looks like it was thrown together in an hour…

You should preplan your work and work on creating a better layout that remains consistent.

Try using another color scheme as well, yellow text on a red background is an eye strain for your visitors.

Take out a couple sheets of paper and plan your site out, make some quick sketches and work from there. Good luck. =)

you need some preloaders, it took forever to load the folio. Maybe some transitions. But I think it’s fine. And a good use of flash. Small file size, precise placement of assets. I applaud the restraint on the animation (ick, remember all that flying and spinning text!).

but I think it’s okay, just keep refining . . .