Opinions needed

Hello all :phil: ,

I made this “teaser” as my first complete flash movie.

Please fell free to criticize, give opinions to enhance, :trout: , or anything else.

All are welcomed :tie:

Please be mercifull :pope:

Thank you

Adham :moustache

uhmmm… I opened it. And there was nothing on the stage. There wasn’t any script either… I just got a blank stage and 60 blank frames.

first thank you for downloading it :stuck_out_tongue:

second i just downloaded it and it opened correct, can you please see it again maybe you got the first one corrupted

Thank you

Adham :hat:

I got the same thing Jubba did. The library is full, but there are 80 empty frames on the stage and nothing happens when you test the movie (of course).

Same here

shane, hubba and bull_dog:

try this file:

Still nada.

[size=1][ edit ][/size]
lol … i’m slow :-\

Reattaching the same exact file apparen’t doesn’t help :-\

Ok thanks a lot guys for trying to download it

i don’t know what is the problem i’ll attach it again

when i am downloading it acts normal

i am afraid after all this when it downloads right you get turned down but what you’ll see.

don’t aim high for it ok

what about this one ?

[size=1**[ edit ]**
oops … it happened again :P[/size]

Still nothing in any of those :-\

Heres a question: What version of Flash are each of you using that it works on?

I use MX.

Just in case (although I don’t see why) this is the problem.


flash 4 !! [size=1]ehemm … :P[/size]

you know it’s flash mx (-:

Ok… well then I am clueless as to the problem :scream:

my movie is on MX tooo

here the swf file

Now that I CAN see. And that actually isn’t so bad. I like the bullet effect.

The screeching in animation at the end I am not to fond of.

at last thanks a lot man

do you suggest any enhancement, changes, or other

one question:

the resolution of the text effect appearing at the end is not too good as you see

i imported that from swish

any suggestions

thank you again


Well the stick figure is kind of amature, but you said this is your first right? So in that case… it is fine.

As for that effect, I didn’t really like it in general, plus as you stated, it was low quality.

To increase that maybe try right clicking on any images or anything it uses in the library and opening the properties then enhancing the quality.

EIther that or export from swish at a higher quality.

thanks for the advice

but you still liked the bullet thing right
