Creating a tile game that’s loading maps from an ASP file defining where the tiles is as arrays, ultimately creating a matrix! The asp loads the arrays in under 1 second, flash though takes about 20 seconds to load the tiles and freezes up while doing so aswell
Help please? And can I create a preloader telling how many tiles has been loaded?
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var suffixVar:String = "";//Defines the x&y coordinates when fetching a new map
var startX:Number = 0;
var startY:Number = 0;
var sessionID:Number = 0;
var loadSize:Number = 0;
_global.fullMapSize = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("tileMc",_root.getNextHighestDepth());//Holds the tiles :)
function removeUsAll() {//Used when reloading the map with new startX&Y
delete arrObj;
delete loadTiles;
for (var m = 0; m<=_global.finalK; m++) {
delete this["tile"+m];
_global.finalK = 0;
function loadAll(startX, startY, ID) {//startX=0, startY=0, ID=14
this.tileHolder._visible = true;//Holds the tiles!
var arrObj:Object = new Object();//Holds the arrays
var sessionID:Number = Math.random()*Math.random();//To prevent cache
var loadTiles:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
loadTiles.ignoreWhite = true;//Do i need this? :(
var suffixVar:String = "?x="+startX+"&y="+startY+"&id="+ID+"&sessionID="+sessionID;
loadTiles.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var finito:Number = this.j;//Grabs how many rows is loaded, also defines the number of tiles load vertically!
_global.dragSize = (finito*50)/2;//Don't mind this one
for (var l = 0; l<=finito; l++) {
arrObj["arr"+l] = this["tileArray"+l].split("|");//Splits the loaded variables into arrays (this is a quick process)
updateSQL(startX,startY,arrObj,finito);//THIS IS WHAT'S SLOW
} else {
trace("Failure to load tile arrays");
function updateSQL(startX, startY, arrObj, finito) {
k = 0;//The tile's number
for (var j = 0; j<=finito; j++) {
var currArr:Number = Number(arrObj["arr"+j].length)-2;//The number of horizontal tiles, always equal to the vertical number (finito)
for (var i = 0; i<=currArr; i++) {
xy = arrObj["arr"+j]*;//grabs the number from the array, defining what mc-image to load from the library
if (xy == "0") {//RANDOM TILE of desert
var whatClip:String = "mc"+(Math.round(4*Math.random()+14));
if (whatClip == "mc14") {//Correct random probability
whatClip = "mc18";
} else {
whatClip = "mc"+xy;//Useless line right?
var _loc:MovieClip = this["tile"+k];
_loc._x = -25-_global.dragSize+(50*i);//Places the tile
_loc._y = -25-_global.dragSize+(50*j);
_loc.bx = (startX-(finito/2))+i;//Gives it the correct X coord = ((finito/2)+startY)-j;//And Y
_loc.ttype = xy;//Saves a var telling what type of tile it is
if (j == 0 || j == finito || i == 0 || i == currArr) {//Finds out if the tile is located on the edge of the map
_loc["clip"+k]._alpha = 50;
_loc.reloadBool = true;
} else {
_loc.reloadBool = false;
//this["tile"+k].cacheAsBitmap = true;
_global.finalK = k;
_root.mapMc._x = 290;//Positions the map
_root.mapMc._y = 290;
if (_global.fullMapSize != 0) {
if (_root.zoomHandle._y == 150) {//Fixes the Zoom, don't mind this
_root.mapMc._width = _root.mapMc._height=_global.fullMapSize;
_root.zoomHandle._y = 150;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._width = _global.blobWidth;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._height = _global.blobHeight;
} else if (_root.zoomHandle._y == 200) {
_root.mapMc._width = _root.mapMc._height=_global.fullMapSize/2;
_root.zoomHandle._y = 200;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._width = _global.blobWidth*2;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._height = _global.blobHeight*2;
} else if (_root.zoomHandle._y == 250) {
_root.mapMc._width = _root.mapMc._height=_global.fullMapSize/3;
_root.zoomHandle._y = 250;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._width = _global.blobWidth*3;
_root.mapMc.textBlob._height = _global.blobHeight*3;
} else {
_global.fullMapSize = this._width;
_global.reloadMe = 0;
this.tileHolder._visible = false;
var loadTween:Tween = new Tween(_root.loadMe, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, _root.loadMe._alpha, 0, .5, true);
_root.border.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth());//Put the borders on top of the tiles