
Hi all!

I am having a real hard time time with my 3d animations. The file size just is too big no mather what i do. Does somebody have good tip on what program to optimaze 3d animations etc?
That would be great:gas:

you can do a batch run through photshop. Also are you talking about preflash or after they are in flash?

Before i put them into flash. The only problem with photoshop is once you have over 600 frames it gets´really difficult to batch. And when i export the animation from PS should i save the animation as GiF?

Are we discussing compression…
if we are, get media cleaner or is it cleaner 5 now… I use media cleaner pro 4… it does wonders…

that was going to be my next suggestion…cleaner is great.

I would save as a 24 bit png if the end result will be in flash

thx, will look for it…:slight_smile:

hahahah…look for it or buy it…:beam:

now now there’ll be none of that…

Who said about ripping? I said i would look for it, i ment i will look for it and see it, i didn´t say i would buy it or rip it. Just look if its not that expensive:

Is this the software?

IF so wow!!!it has a price:sigh:

yes… yes that would be it…
there are some many compression options to choose from… lots of codecs…
multy formats… avi quicktime mp’s…
it’s a good purchase


if your looking for non flash 3d (ie real movies like QT or WMV etc…) your 3d app probably has other codecs available or in any case im sure there are free encoders out there such as divx, however they probably won’t play in flash…

and check the flash QT compression, sometimes it does work…

well first of all what program are you using for your flash animations??? and what format are you eporting it to??

I believe she is using 3d studio max. and using flash for flash animation…what a great idea fash for flash animation :beam:

That is a good idea… who thought that up…?

ooops i mean what program shes using for her 3d animations Doh! [said as homer simpson]

Hi all!

I am using 3d studio max only. Does somebody know another good 3d compressor then that expensive piece of work?:x

ps, i love your avatar, you look like a guy i know called Antonio, he is gay and very beautiful man also, i wish he was straight:love: