Being fairly new to game programming, I’m still learning good techniques on how to organize all of my code and classes.
Here’s what I plan on implementing into my game:
[]Top-down engine
[]One player
[]A couple different types of enemies
[]Bullets with a few different guns
[]Particle effects for multiple elements (death of enemy, death of player, etc.)
[*]Counter and score
I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to organize all of this. What are the major classes I should have? I’m not sure if particle effects should be coded in an exclusive class of their own, or if I should implement them into the main document class. Also, should I have a separate class for movement, or have one Player class handle everything the player does? Should that include shooting bullets? General things like this.
I’m really not sure how to start organizing. If there are any links anyone can point me to or give me a good structure to start off of that would be awesome.